Mitchell D. Brourman received his BS in Geology from Edinboro University, his MS in Hydrogeology from Ohio University, and is a licensed Professional Geologist by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. After several years of environmental consulting in New Jersey, Mr. Brourman returned home to Pittsburgh, PA, and spent the better part of 22+ years in the technical and business risk management of the portfolio of environmental liabilities associated with the former Koppers Company.
In 2012, his entrepreneurial spirit was awakened when Mr. Brourman saw the need for reliable and nimble real-time monitoring technologies. With his FEI business partner, Anthony Visco, he co-founded Field Data Solutions. The company specializes in delivering real-time field monitoring data from environmental remediation sites remotely, providing access from your desktop or mobile device. Mr. Brourman also continues working at FEI, the firm he co-founded in 1995, which has expanded to 11 full-service locations. Mr. Brourman has volunteered in the local community at several levels, included being elected to Borough Council, and is an avid Pittsburgh sports fan and outdoor enthusiast.
Mitchell Brourman – Executive Principal Field Environmental Instruments 301 Brushton Ave – Suite A | Pittsburgh, PA 15221 USA Tel: (412) 436-2600 eMail | LinkedIn