Derek Pizarro

(610) 517-8242

Mr. Pizarro provides technical and design assistance for clients with remedial environmental sites requiring heavy metals stabilization and industrial facilities with metals-impacted waste streams. He collaborates with project teams and testing laboratories to determine site-specific chemistries for environmental and engineering applications. Focuses on emerging markets advancement, and sales team development and training.

His portfolio includes domestic and international projects and applications pertaining to chemical stabilization of metals-impacted soil, sediments, waste, and groundwater; mechanical soil and waste stabilization; acidic soil and groundwater treatment; soil drying and odor control; mine tailings and drainage treatment; industrial slag, sludge, baghouse and furnace dust, and ash treatment.

Previously, Mr. Pizarro served as Environmental Products Director for a privately held specialty chemical manufacturer. His hobbies include travel, kayaking, and wine collecting.